
Some Essential Tips When Completing a Successful Data Centre Migration

In order to remain IT current and successful, many companies may need to relocate or migrate their applications from one data centre to another one, or they might be moving the complete data centre into the Cloud. Whatever the reasons, which might be requirements with regards to regulations, not enough space in the old data centre, or it might just be a cost-saving venture, it needs to be completed by an outsourced service provider because of its complexity.

Minimum  downtime.

Application software, and hardware all need to be relocated, and it is crucial that none of the data is lost, and down time is avoided at all costs. Any down time at all, can end up causing thousands of dollars and so this is a move that has to be quick, yet efficient. The logistics involved in all of this is quite significant, because there may be a high dependency, between the application and other applications. The application might share its server with other parts of the business, and so they might be unable to communicate with each other, should a large move such as this take place.

The right logistics service provider.

This is why you need to be dealing with a competent logistics service provider that offers affordable technical installation solutions that will hopefully reduce downtime and the logistical nightmares that happen with large moves such as this. However, the move may be essential because it will improve overall performance, and the migrated system will provide a more efficient administration and operation. The following tips can help when completing a successful data centre migration.

  • Figure out your current setup – Many organisation’s IT systems are not exactly up-to-date, and it is difficult to keep up, because things tend to change every six months in the IT industry. It is important to review your current data centre and try to figure out what the gaps in your knowledge, about your current system are.


  • The right migration method – There are many different ways to do a complete migration, but it generally includes physically moving hardware from one place to another. The application has to be reinstalled, and the data has to be migrated as well. Once you figure out the migration method that you want to use, then testing needs to be applied to the process.


  • Do trial runs – To make sure that you don’t lose any data, the migration process needs to involve backups at every important stage, and there needs to be a rollback plan, just in case there are any issues. The good thing about the trial migration is that it will find any problems before they get a chance to happen in the live migration. If the testing is successful and any issues have been sorted out, then and only then, can the migration of the live application be attempted.

In order to make sure that all of this runs smoothly, you really do need to find a specialist logistics company who you can trust to get the job done properly. They need to have the resources to ensure that your equipment is stored properly and that it is delivered on time, with the minimum of downtime. They need to be experts with in-depth knowledge and they need to be able to guarantee the quality of their logistics.