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Why COVID-19 Proves You Should Be Investing in IT

Whether we like it or not, COVID-19 has given us a taste of what life might look like for quite some time. Consumers still need products, and many switched to buying online, while smart companies leveraged IT to stay afloat. 

More digitally advanced companies or those that understood the importance of technology in advance of COVID-19 had an advantage that they capitalized on within weeks. However, those without the technological infrastructure or the desire to implement one are at a significant disadvantage in the new business pileup.

Although the pandemic has brought significant financial hardship that has led businesses to slash budgets across the board, cutting IT resources is one decision that will be detrimental in the long run. Here are just a few of the reasons why COVID-19 proves you should be investing in IT rather than cutting it.

Remote Teams Are Becoming the Norm

COVID-19 has caused many teams to go remote, and it’s likely to stay that way even after the pandemic. Offering remote work options benefits companies by lowering overhead costs coming from physical offices as well as attracting talent from a wider demographic. 

However, to make remote work function, businesses need excellent IT support and tools in place. Just a few of those tools include:

  • Cloud solutions
  • Communication and data-sharing solutions like Microsoft Teams
  • VPNs
  • Remote desktop services
  • Secure home networks
  • Enterprise-grade WiFi routers

Without an IT partner to help you get long-term remote tools in place, it will be difficult to keep remote productivity up. You should work with a trusted, experienced IT company who can help you plan for those solutions. And, thanks to remote resources, you can work with an IT company in Austin or New York or Los Angeles, all from the comfort of your home. You no longer have to limit your search for the best IT company by your location.

Cyber Attacks Are On the Rise

Having your staff work remotely is a solution to some problems, but it also creates new issues. There has been a spike in cyberattacks due to the panic caused by the pandemic and the influx of employees moving to remote work, and remote work brings a slew of cybersecurity concerns with it.

Employees are no longer limited to secure office networks. Home networks may lack the security features needed, and communicating and transferring data through unsecured connections leaves your confidential information extremely vulnerable.

Should your business suffer a data breach, you will face costly data loss and downtime, legal fees and penalties, and reputational damage that could impact your business far into the future.

It’s more important than ever that you invest in your cybersecurity to keep your business safe and productive.

You Need to Follow the Customers

More consumers are taking to the digital world. Even before COVID, consumers were more easily reached online than in person, and the pandemic has only boosted that number.

The past few months saw a rapid increase in people shopping online, digitally searching for information, and finding other ways to integrate digital solutions into their lives. The ability to deliver digital products or to offer online shopping has been the saving grace of some businesses during this time.

Without those vital technological infrastructures, there would have been even more business closures. 

Being tech-savvy helps a company reach customers and ultimately become more profitable. You need to invest in the tech tools that will help you reach your customers online.

Online shopping with credit card and smart phone, casual man is using smartphone app in home office to purchase items on internet

Futureproof Your Business

Moving forward, many of the changes we’re seeing, like remote work, will stick. To keep your business from falling behind to more progressive competitors, you need to stay on the cutting edge of technology.

That’s why investing in IT is really investing in your company. Your technology solutions will be the driving force helping your business remain competitive and successful in the future.