
Residential Solar Installations: 5 Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Solar power is on the rise, with around 1 million solar installations built in just the last two years. 

Making the switch to solar energy is better for the environment and can help homeowners save a significant amount of money, but it isn’t always easy.

Many people make mistakes when building residential solar installations. This leads to decreased efficiency and can create potentially dangerous situations.

Read on to learn 5 common mistakes and how to avoid them.

1. Installing Solar Panels Without Professional Help

Panel installation seems intuitive enough, so some homeowners attempt to turn it into a DIY project to reduce their solar system budget. However, building a solar energy system is a highly complex process with many things that can go wrong.

These systems output enough energy to cause serious injury and start housefires. 

Wondering how to go solar safely? Only trust your installation to a certified professional with plenty of experience.

2. Incorrectly Estimating Needed Power

Before you install a residential solar energy system, you’ll need to determine how much energy you’ll need from the system. Obtaining the right numbers from your home energy audit is essential, but it’s something many homeowners struggle to do.

The most common issue is forgetting to include every single electrical appliance in their calculations. Most won’t forget the large items like air conditioners and refrigerators, but they often overlook smaller items like coffee pots. 

Avoid this by using the power usage numbers from a recent power bill rather than attempting to tabulate the energy consumed by each appliance.

3. Using the Wrong Amount of Solar Panels

Solar system sizing plays a big role, and you can have too many and too few solar panels.

If you have too many solar panels, you’ll create more electricity than your home needs. This means you won’t get the full benefits of your area’s tax breaks, and you’ll never be able to charge the electric company for generating excess energy.

Homes with too few solar panels won’t allow you to maximize your investment. You also might not be able to create enough electricity.

The good news is that this issue is relatively easy to avoid. You just need to work with a professional solar panel installation company.

4. Placing Solar Panels in the Wrong Location

Solar panels need sunlight to generate electricity, but shadows and the sun’s location in the sky can reduce their efficiency.

The location of shadows can change throughout the day. A bright spot in the morning might be covered in shade by the afternoon. 

Your panel installer should be able to find the ideal location for your solar panels.

5. Failing to Do Research

You’ll need to look into your solar panel provider. If you don’t, your solar panel system might be owned by a third party and only leased to you. This means you aren’t entitled to the tax benefits it could provide.

Mistakes to Avoid with Residential Solar Installations

Residential solar installations are becoming more and more popular. Get the most out of your system by estimating your energy needs and finding a reputable solar panel company. With the help of a professional team, you’ll avoid many of the most common installation issues.

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