Most business owners can probably agree that managing your business’ budget can often be difficult. With so many things to juggle, your budget can sometimes take the back burner. The good news is, there is software specifically designed to help businesses better manage their budget. Taylor Consulting & Contracting offers an all-inclusive software that is designed to cater to your business’s budgeting needs and utility payment processing, and helping you reduce your energy expenses in smart, energy-efficient ways. Here are some of the services your business can use to better manage your budget.
Energy auctions is a technology that allow energy suppliers to compete with each other for a customer’s business, therefore allowing customers to choose from competitive rates. Energy auctions are honest, transparent ways for customers and suppliers to communicate and do business. In an energy auction, both parties are at an advantage- customers are able to get more competitive energy rates, and the supplier that they choose gets more business. Energy auctions are a win-win situation for both sides.
Another service available to businesses is the UtilityModule, a state-of-the-art software system that allows customers to track their utility usage and other aspects of their business. The UtilityModule also provides tracking for annual budget creation, budget reconciliation, and expense tracking. The UtilityModule is the perfect tool for busy business owners who simply don’t have time to keep track of each individual aspect of their company. The UtilityModule does all of the heavy lifting for you while still making sure all of your company’s expenses are in order. The Energy Scorecard is a tool that goes hand-in-hand with the UtilityModule. The Energy Scorecard provides customers with an email each month notifying them of the status of their utility accounts, and allows customers to quickly view a rundown of their utility usage. The Energy Scorecard is a popular tool among customers because it’s a quick and effective way to track your utility usage without having to devote all of your time and energy to one task.
Workflow processing is a software dedicated to tracking the overall workflow of your business. Workflow processing ensures that your accounts are all in order, and makes sure you are getting the best aggregations and bids from energy suppliers. The workflow processing software oversees different aspects of your business and helps you make sure you’re getting the best energy deals at all times.
By using all of these softwares, you will be able to better manage your business’s budget and get the most out of your energy dollars. Through energy auctions, the UtilityModule, the Energy Scorecard, and workflow processing, you can build a system that works for you and gives you peace of mind that your business’s budget is in good hands.