Health & Beauty

Leading Technology in Addiction Recovery

Health studies show that over 25 million people in the U.S. are addicted to some form of a drug substance. In addition to traditional treatments, modern technology is being introduced as an effective mode of treatment.

Recovery Technology

Unfortunately, according to the National Institutes of Health, teens and millennials are making up the highest percentage of abusers. Oddly enough, for this reason, technology is more welcoming to this category of drug abusers than ever before. Young kids and young adults are emotionally and mentally tied to their technology devices to communicate and to network via social media.

The use of tablets, smartphones, and laptops with a great number of apps which is being introduced into addiction recovery treatments. The U.S. Government is leading research into whether new technology treatments can be a key player in the “war on drugs.” Using technology-assisted treatments for drug addiction is fast becoming a popular solution.

Technology Therapy

First, in treating drug abuse, computerized technology enables counselors, doctors, and specialists, to customize treatments. With computerized apps that can organize therapies and provide succinct data needed to monitor each patient’s progress, new technology is leading the measurement in how effective computerized systems are in treating addicted persons.

Instead of prescribed medications, patients are given computer-based games and teaching modules in psychotherapy treatments that are designed to cognitively train the brain to overcome addiction, depression, anxiety, and trauma all of which can lead to drug addiction.

Also, new technology has introduced web-based programs that virtually teaches addicts with a variety of skills to help people reduce substance abuse. The web-based programs are designed in training module systems that can be accessed in any order the person feels comfortable with.

The modules, for the most part, are interactive and will require participants to give answers to practice exercises that are viewed by the medical staff and psychiatrists. The recovery training modules can be customized for each patient, but in general, they include images, games, audio, videos, and information about drug abuse triggers and how to avoid them or how to “just say no” to abuse substances,

Technology Apps

Millennials and teens use their smartphones like an ear appendage, so incorporating smartphone apps designed for drug addiction seems to be the perfect treatment technology in reaching them. For example, the Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve Step program is now a companion app that feeds positive images, recovery assistant modules, and more to help drug abusers sidestep relapsing.

Help Is Online

Addiction recovery can now be found at many online websites. Online addiction treatments are a popular growing treatment trend. People with a drug addiction are ashamed and attempt to hide their pain and their addictive behaviors. Now, online private drug recovery websites enable individuals to get help and support directly from their homes.

Yes, treatments in facilities like Melbourne FL rehabs are often required to fully overcome addition. Drug recovery still requires detox treatment, medical analysis, and more to be wholly rehabilitated, but short collaborative online treatment modules is a great first step.

Future Tech

In its research, the Health and Human Department identifies the Internet as a popular method to get out the message that there is help for drug abuse. The Internet is accessed in the form of tablets, mobile phones, chrome books, laptops, etc., which is affordable to low-income individuals with substance abuse disorders. Therefore, innovative marketing ads, therapeutic education, and where to go to find intervention systems like treatment centers are available and viewable on these platforms.