Executive Koen Vanpraet talks about leadership

Executive Koen Vanpraet On Leadership Strategies Every Manager Should Use

Koen Vanpraet is one of the most respected management consultants in the business. He has experience creating managing strategies in every industry. 

I talked with Koen Vanpraet and asked if he could give us some advice on any manager’s leadership strategies, no matter what industry they work in. He agreed, and now we’re going to share what he said with you! 

So sit back, grab a pen and a piece of paper, and enjoy learning from an expert. 

Clear Communication

Clear communication is one of the most effective strategies that any manager can implement, no matter their industry and whether they are managing a remote team or an in-person team. 

Communicating your goals, deadlines, and expectations in a clear, concise way is so important for a team to function optimally, according to Koen Vanpraet. If you’re not utilizing extremely clear communication and laying out your expectations immediately, then those working for you are very unlikely to deliver the productivity you need. 

Flexible Working Time

If it’s possible in your industry and with your company, then Koen Vanpraet highly recommends allowing your team to have flexible schedules. Some people work much better when they can work an hour or two at a time, with breaks in between. 

Others may work better going eight hours at a time with barely a rest. Everyone is different, and if you can accommodate every type of worker, then you will have a much more productive team. 

Koen Vanpraet understands that not every business or every company can let their employees work when and how they want. But if yours can, it is something to consider as long as you can also ensure that your team still meets deadlines. 

Effective Feedback

Koen Vanpraet says one of the biggest mistakes he sees in managers all over the world is that they are not great at giving feedback. Koen Vanpraet referenced this advice from Gary Vaynerchuk and Simon Sinek, two of his favorite authors. 

Some managers will give criticism without ever telling their team what they’re doing correctly. On the other hand, some managers are scared to criticize. Worst of all, some will give no feedback whatsoever; they will simply accept submissions and send out the next assignment. Koen Vanpraet says this all circles back to effective communication. Strong teams value feedback and will use that feedback to improve. 


Delegation is another extremely effective strategy that every manager should look to implement. There are a few reasons for delegation. First of all, delegating work to others on your team shows them that you trust them. 

Giving strong team members responsibility will help them understand that you value them and are thinking about their future with your team or your company. It also relieves a lot of pressure and frees you up for more important tasks. 

The life and career of a manager can be extremely busy, and your stress will only compound if you do not take advantage of delegation. 

Upskilling & Education

Another way to show your team members that you care about them and their future is to try to start an upskilling program. There are many companies and services that can help upskill your team members. 

Another more obvious yet more expensive investment is paying for your team member’s education, whether it be from a university or for certificate preparation and the following exam. 

If you see high potential in a team member, Koen Vanpraet assures you that the investments you make in them will be well worth it in the long run.