If you’ve never been to an outdoor sporting event and you have plans to attend one for the first time, or if you’ll soon be going to an outdoor sporting event and you know that the weather won’t be great or that the rules of the venue have recently changed, there are some things that you’ll want to do before the game starts so that you are as prepared as possible for your time spent spectating.
To help you in this preparation, here are three tips for going to an outdoor sporting event.
Plan Around The Weather
As the date for your outdoor sporting event gets closer, one thing that you’ll want to do is check the weather for the day of the game. This will help you to know what you want to wear, what you should bring with you, and how mentally prepared you should be for inclement weather.
Depending on the exact venue that you’ll be attending, you may be able to have some decent protection from the elements. They might have outdoor heaters available, overhead protection from rain, windblocks to help keep the greatest bursts of wind from reaching you, and more. But regardless of what they have at the venue to help keep you comfortable, you should come prepared for caring for your own comfort as well.
Some things you may want to bring with you could include rain boots, a poncho, or a hat. You should also consider dressing in layers so that you can either add something or take something off as needed. If it’s possible, getting some warm food could also help heat you up as well.
Learn The Rules Of The Venue
In recent years, many venues, including outdoor sports venues, have changed their policies about what you can bring into the arena with you, what type of bags are acceptable to bring inside, and even things like showing proof of vaccination in some cities or countries. Knowing all the changes that could have taken place since the last time you may have been to an outdoor sporting event, it’s wise to learn the rules of the specific venue you’ll be going to.
To do this, check their website to read about their guidelines and protocols. While some sports venues are relaxing on things like proof of vaccination, many will require see-through bags and no outdoor food or drinks.
Get There Early
If the sporting event that you’re attending is for a smaller team or doesn’t frequently get a lot of fans in attendance, then you might not need to worry about things like parking and making it to the game on time. But if you’re going to a bigger outdoor sporting event, there are logistics that you’ll want to think through ahead of time.
Ideally, you may not want to have to park super far away, as it can be annoying to have to walk back to your car after the game and find where you parked. And if there will be long lines to get in, you’ll want to get there early enough to allow yourself time to wait before the game starts.
If you’ve got tickets to an outdoor sporting event and you’ve a little nervous about how to get ready for it, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you with this.