To curtail the spread and effects of Covid-19, several measures have been put in place by each nation’s government. Some of these measures include social distancing, partial and full lockdown, and mandatory use of nose masks.
Combating this pandemic has been a tough fight, but science gives hope. Medical institutes have made joint efforts to produce vaccines to fight the virus. And all thanks to these efforts, some of these vaccines are now ready.
To provide an efficient means of rolling out these vaccines, some private organizations have decided to assist their public counterparts. F.H. Cann and Associates Inc. is one such organizations.
In this interview, this organization relates how they use their resources to support the pandemic efforts. Below are the details of the interview.
What Prompted You to Join in the Fight Against Covid-19?
We are popular for our services. When we say services, we are referring to serving humanity. This is our foremost aim.
Denying our clients and the entire populace the care and help they need in this crucial time will not fit our company values. Upon realizing the task before us, all hands were immediately on deck to provide our clients and friends with the assistance they need.
What Special Services are you Providing to Prevent the Spread of the Virus?
There are myriads of services we are providing. When the COVID-19 first hit the country, we immediately offered our services to the Department of Unemployment Assistance for the State of Massachusetts.
We have also been helping with the scheduling of the COVID-19 vaccinations to all residents of Massachusetts who are 75 years old and above.
F.H. Cann and Associates Inc. have been providing up to 300 customer service representatives (CSRs) a day to ensure that Massachusetts residents can gain access to the vaccine. Because of these efforts, we we’re able to grow our workforce during the pandemic.
Who are the Beneficiaries of Your Services?
We are all aware of the threats this pandemic has posed to our existence. We also know that the pandemic is a respecter of no one.
Both the young and the old are susceptible to contracting the virus. Nonetheless, older people are more vulnerable to experience the devastating effects of the virus. Some lose their life to it.
This is why we have decided as an organization to provide more help and assistance to these senior citizens. We help them with facilities to ensure that they receive vaccines as and when due. We provide support to young people as well.
How Have you Been Able to Convince People to Take the Covid-19 Vaccines?
Taking the vaccine is one effective way to prevent the spread of the novel pandemic. We are all aware of this fact.
You will only be doing yourself a lot of harm by choosing not to get vaccinated. For our clients, convincing them to get the vaccine isn’t a challenge. This is a result of the healthy relationship we have built with them over the years.
No doubt, not everyone will comply. We have provided convincing facts, both visual and audio, to help improve people’s readiness to take the vaccine. People can also check out this InsideArm.com feature to know how committed we are to end this pandemic.
Would You say This Venture has Been a Productive One?
You shouldn’t be expecting a reward when you choose to serve humanity. We have chosen this path because it is more important to have our clients and the entire populace healthy and safe.