
5 Undeniable Reasons To Switch From Windows to a Linux OS in 2019

Out of all the computers that are currently connected to the internet, around 1.84 users have Linux

But as the years go on, there are many people that switch from Windows to Linux. 

If you hearing your friends and colleagues making the switch and are on the fence of why you should too. You will want to read these 5 reasons why Linux is superior to Windows. 

1. Linux Gets Out Of Your Way

You may be accustomed to this already, but Windows has a lot of features that are always in your face. 

For instance, they want you to sign in to your Microsoft account for more benefits. They have that Cortana that always wants to help you when you search for anything on your computer. 

While Linux sits back and lets you take the wheel without pestering you with signing into this account or helping you out when you clearly did not ask for it. 

2. Installing Software Is a Breeze

There is a common misconception going around that Linux is one complicated software system. That is far from true. 

Installing the software on Linux is easier than installing software on Windows. When you are going to install some software, you will go to the Software Center. This center contains a variety of programs you can install. When you find one you want, you click install and that’s it. 

You no longer have to download the .exe file, follow prompts, and hope it installs properly. 

3. Updates are Worth It

As a Windows user, you probably cry when there is a new update. You seem to update your computer quite often, huh? 

Well, when Linxus updates, you will get a notification. Some updates may require you to restart your computer, but you will not be forced to do so. 

However, with Linux, you are not only updating the operating system, but they also update the other software you have on your PC as well! It’s an all in one update that comes with less time spent updating everything, fewer notifications, and fewer nags.

4. It’s Free

If the other points didn’t make you want to switch from Windows to Linux, then the price tag of free will!

Yes, you’ve read that right, Linux is a FREE operating system. You can get all of these great features in Linux for the price of nothing!

While you can spend $120 to upgrade your Windows operating system. 

5. It’s Secure

You know that Windows can always get viruses, which is why you should always have anti-virus protection. You can view the details for yourself.

If you switch to Linux, you are getting a safe and secure operating system. 

In the world of Linux, there are no viruses. It’s one of the safest operating systems out on the market right now. 

Ready to Switch from Windows to Linux? 

Ready to finally make the switch from Windows to Linux? You won’t be making the wrong choice now that you know everything that Linux has to offer you. 

Whether you use Windows, Apple, or Linux, you’ll want to keep an eye out for viruses that can affect you. You can keep up-to-date on all laptop news by reading our blog.